Hydration and performance during Ramadan

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Wasserversorgung des Körpers und Leistungsfähigkeit während des Ramadans
Autor:Maughan, R.J.; Shirreffs, S.M.
Erschienen in:Journal of sports sciences
Veröffentlicht:30 (2012), sup1, S. 33-41, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0264-0414, 1466-447X
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In the absence of any food or fluid intake during the hours of daylight during the month of Ramadan, a progressive loss of body water will occur over the course of each day, though these losses can be completely replaced each night. Large body water deficits will impair both physical and cognitive performance. The point at which water loss will begin to affect performance is not well defined, but it may be as little as 1–2% of body mass. For resting individuals in a temperate environment, the water loss that occurs during a day without food or fluid will typically amount to about 1% of body mass by the time of sunset. This small loss of body water is unlikely to have a major adverse effect on any aspect of physical or cognitive performance. Larger body water losses will occur, however, in hot weather or if exercise is undertaken. Performance in events lasting about 1 hour or longer may be impaired in the absence of fluid intake during the event. In weight-category sports, there may be difficulties due to the impossibility of restoring body water content between the weigh-in and competition, and athletes will require alternative strategies. Where more than one competition or training session takes place in a single day and where substantial fluid losses are incurred, recovery will be impaired by the absence of fluid intake. Verf.-Referat