Релације између способности и ставова студената и успешности у ритмичкој гимнастици – полне специфичности

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
bisp.hrx.title:Relacije između sposobnosti i stavova studenata i uspešnosti u ritmičkoj gimnastici - polne specifičnosti
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Das Verhältnis zwischen Fähigkeiten und Einstellungen der Studierenden sowie ihrem Erfolg in der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik - Geschlechtsspezifik
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Relations between students` abilities and attitudes and success in rhythmic gymnastics - gender specificities
Autor:Moskovljević, Lidija; Orlić, Ana
Erschienen in:Fizicka kultura
Veröffentlicht:66 (2012), 2, S. 129-137, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0350-3828, 2217-947X
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Abstract des Autors

Although male or female characteristics are traditionally attributed to some sports, contemporary trends are going in the direction of changing gender inequality in sport and physical education. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between motor and musical abilities of students, attitudes towards rhythmic gymnastics, their success in mastering the program contents of the theory and methodology of rhythmic gymnastics (T&M RG) and genders. The sample consisted of 104 subjects, third year students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Belgrade. Motor and musical abilities were made operational by the scores on tests that are an integral part of the qualifying exam on the FSPE: the test of general motor abilities, the test of specific motor abilities with the ball, and the test for assessing the sense of movement and rhythm and checking musicality, and the success in mastering the content of T&M RG by the grade from this subject. Subjects' attitudes were measured by the Connotative differential instrument, which includes three dimensions of an attitude: affective, cognitive and conative. In addition, the data on school achievement of subjects were collected. The results showed that the subjects of female and male gender did not differ in their achievements in the test for assessing the sense of rhythm and movement and musicality, as well as in their achievements in T&M RG. Also, it is shown that this test is predictive for the assessment in the subject T&M RG. Although the attitudes of both genders were very positive, it was shown that women had slightly more positive attitudes than men. The subjects' attitudes towards rhythmic gymnastics were positively correlated with the grade in T&M RG. The results indicated that students of both genders in their future pedagogical practice would be ready to equally successfully apply rhythmic gymnastics as one of the physical education program contents. Verf.-Referat