Body composition and somatotype of the top of polish male karate contestants

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Körperzusammensetzung und Somatotyp der polnischen männlichen Top-Karatewettkämpfer
Autor:Sterkowicz-Przybycień, Katarzyna L.
Erschienen in:Biology of sport
Veröffentlicht:27 (2010), 3, S. 195-201, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0860-021X, 2083-1862
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The aim of this study was to determine body composition and somatotype of male karateists who were grouped by different level of competition and techniques used in effective attack. Analysis of body composition, with untrained men as a background, will update the data necessary for determination of somatic profiles of karateists. Thirty contestants were examined during the camp in Polish Olympic Training Center in Zakopane. The participants had level of competition at both international (I group, n=14) and national level (N group, n=16). Karateists were also grouped on the basis of the preferred techniques used in effective attack, i.e. hits with hand (H, n=12), hits with hand and legs (HL, n=11) or kicks (L group, n=7). An experienced evaluator performed 10 measurements necessary to designate somatotypes by means of Heath-Carter method and to estimate the percentage of body fat and composition. Group I were not significantly heavier than group N. Group I had higher mesomorphy and lower ectomorphy than group N (t-test). Group I were characterized by higher BMI and fat free mass index than karateists of the group N. Results from discriminant analysis were significant. Amongst the observations used to fit the model, (67 %) were correctly classified. There were statistically significant differences between competitors grouped by techniques used in attack as endomorphy (H > HL, H > L) and ectomorphy (H < HL, H < L). Karateists’ somatotypes differed from the somatotypes of the untrained. They were characterized by higher mesomorphy and lower ectomorphy, as well as greater fat free mass index and fat mass index. Verf.-Referat