The effects of a pre-exercise carbohydrate-ectrolyte ingestion on maximum aerobic capacity in elite soccer players

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Italienischer übersetzter Titel:Effetti dell’assunzione di elettroliti e carboidrati pre-esercizio sulla capacità aerobica massima nei calciatori di alto livello
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Auswirkungen der Einnahme von Elektrolyten und Kohlenhydraten vor der Belastung auf die maximale aerobe Kapazität bei Fußballspielern der Spitzenklasse
Autor:Jourkesh, M.; Ostojic, S.M.
Erschienen in:Medicina dello sport
Veröffentlicht:61 (2008), 2, S. 139-146, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Elektronische Ressource (online) Gedruckte Ressource
Sprache:Englisch, Italienisch
ISSN:0025-7826, 1827-1863
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Aim. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a pre-exercise carbohydrate-electrolyte drink on maximum aerobic capacity. Methods. Twenty male elite soccer players volunteered to participate in the study. Each player performed two randomized trials of a V.O2max treadmill test within a week of each other. Players in this randomized, placebo controlled, counter balanced, crossover design, ingested either a placebo (water) or carbohydrate-electrolyte drink (6% carbohydrates, sodium 24 mmol•l-1, chloride 12 mmol•l-1, potassium 3 mmol•l-1) 30 minutes before each exercise bout. V.O2max and time to exhaustion during graded exercise testing were evaluated. Results. Using paired samples t-tests, significantly greater mean values were found in VO2max and time for the pre-exercise carbohydrate-electrolyte drink trial compared to the placebo trial (P<0.05). The main finding of the present study indicates that supplementation with a pre-exercise carbohydrate-electrolyte drink improved V.O2max and time to exhaustion. Conclusion. This suggests that soccer players should consume carbohydrate-electrolyte fluid prior a game to enhance V.O2max in specific skill performance. Verf-Referat