Diamo un calcio alla droga (Riflessioni e considerazioni sullo Sport come strumento preventivo e riabilitativo delle dipendenze patologiche)

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Lasst uns mit den Drogen aufhören : Reflexionen und Anmerkungen zum Sport als ein präventives, rehabilitatives Instrument in Situationen krankhafter Abhängigkeit
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Let’s give up drugs : reflexions and remarks on sport as a preventive, rehabilitative instrument in situations of pathological dependency
Autor:Manna, V.; Mescia, G.; Mazziotti, M.
Erschienen in:Medicina dello sport
Veröffentlicht:54 (2001), 2, S. 165-171, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0025-7826, 1827-1863
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Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of behaviors, manifested by recurrent and significant adverse consequences related to the repeated use of illicit drugs. Today, an increasing number of adolescent and young people seem to use substances as a paradoxical self-medication for life's problems. In many cases, there may be repeated failure to fulfill major role obligations, repeated use in which it is physically hazardous, multiple legal problems, and recurrent social and interpersonal problems. Sport activities can be considered as effective tools in the prevention and rehabilitation of substance abuse disorders, among ''at risk'' adolescent and young people. In this brief update article, some recent studies on the social-therapeutic and preventive effects of sport against addictive disorders are reviewed. Verf.-Referat