Effetti dell' allenamento, del disallenamento e del decondizionamento sulla componente lenta del V.O2

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Auswirkungen von Training, Abtrainieren und Trainingspause auf die langsame Komponente der Sauerstoffaufnahme
Englischer übersetzter Titel:Effect of training, detraining and deconditioning on VO2 slow component
Autor:Maione, D.; Senaldi, R.; Maietta, P.; Maione, A.; Drago, E.; Tentoni, C.
Erschienen in:Medicina dello sport
Veröffentlicht:54 (2001), 2, S. 105-114, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource Elektronische Ressource (online)
ISSN:0025-7826, 1827-1863
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This study was designed to evaluate the effects on VO2 slow component (VO2sc) of a 7-week aerobic training and of a detraining of the same duration in 4 subjects (I group); and of 4 weeks deconditioning in 3 subjects (II group). The 7 subjects (22.1+/-0.9 years), physically active, have performed a ramping-test for detecting the 1st ventilatory threshold (Sv1) and maximal aerobic capacity, on which the constant load exercises wattage had selected, always supra-Sv1. These latter have been used for the VO2 kinetics study, employing mathematical models with 2 exponential terms fitted on experimental data through an original software. The VO2sc entity in O2 ml/kg has been obtained by the integral of the area among the 2 exponential of the mathematical model. As to deconditioning, the group II subjects have stopped each activity in gym. In group I the VO2sc in average, reduced with the training of ~ 42%, and increased after detraining of ~ 68%; between pretraining and detraining it decreased of 10%. In group II after deconditioning VO2sc increased in average of ~ 22%. The VO2sc reduction with training ad its increase with detraining confirm the results of previous studies. While the deconditioning has increased the VO2sc, this is decreased, even a little, between pretraining and detraining. It's likely that the detraining effects influence the VO2sc responsible mechanisms in more extended times respect to those from us employed, subsequently to the loss of training-induced advantages. Verf.-Referat