De behoefte aan sportartsen in Nederland

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Der Bedarf an Sportaerzten in den Niederlanden
Autor:Ooijendijk, W.T.M.; Stiggelbout, M.; Loor, S. de
Erschienen in:Geneeskunde en sport
Veröffentlicht:31 (1998), 5, S. 163-167, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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Abstract des Autors

As requested by NOC'NSF, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and the Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde, a survey was executed by TNO Prevention and Health into the (future) need for sports physicians in the Netherlands. The following questions were answered: a) How many sports physicians will be needed in the Netherlands to provide adequate sports medicinal care? b) Which consequences would (inter)national developments have to the educational capacity (intake) and the contents of the training for sports physician? The reachability and quality of sports medicine are well off with a development into the direction of a balanced spreading of the number of sports physicians.The regions as estalished by the Wet Ziekenhuisvoorzieningen form a good starting point. There will be started from 4 to 5 sports physicians per region. A total number of sports physicians of approximately 120, evenly spread over the Netherlands, is considered desirable for the year 2010. As concerns training, in future the organisation should be tuned to that of other medical specialisations. Training then will be steered from an academical setting and will take place identically to those of other educations to medical specialisations. Based on calculations it is concluded that in order to obtain a number of 120 sports physicians in the year 2010, for the coming years an increase of the yearly intake from 6 to 8 sports physicians will be necessary. Verf.-Referat