Isokinetic evaluation of the flexion and extension torque in young athletes

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Isokinetische Messung der Beuge- und Streckkraft junger Sportler
Autor:Morini, S.; Boccia, M.L.; Panebianco, V.; Cerulli, C.; Pigozzi, F.; Ripani, M.
Erschienen in:Medicina dello sport
Veröffentlicht:48 (1995), 3, S. 345-352, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0025-7826, 1827-1863
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Abstract des Autors

The isokinetic mode is very useful for the athlete's functional evaluation and for the rehabilitation protocols. The development of such a mode has caused a large number of studies which have experimented with different groups of subjects and with different equipment. In order to achieve parameters of reference, it is necessary to work with a homogenous group of subjects for each type of equipment used. The purpose of this study is to assess several parameters of normality through the functional evaluation of knee flexors and extensors with a quite recent isokinetic dynamometer (Merac). This study was conducted on a group of subjects of the same age and at the same level of training in the sport practised. The group was made up of 50 male and 50 female subjects of an average age of 22. Each lower limb was tested at a velocity ranging between 60 and 300 deg/sec. The results show that velocity breaks of 60 deg/sec cause significant differences of peak torque (PT); the strength male/female ratio is of 70%; the extensors are always stronger than flexors/extensors ratio (H/Q) changes between 44-58% with the velocity; significant differences in the strength ratio of the preferred and non-preferred limb are visible only in the female extensors. The isokinetic dynamometer (Merac) data can be easily compared with other data related to other equipment taken from the literature. Verf.-Referat