Inferior capsular shift procedure for anterior-inferior shoulder instability in athletes

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Verschiebung des unteren Kapselanteils als Operationstechnik bei anterior-inferiorer Schultergelenkinstabilitaet bei Sportlern
Autor:Bigliani, L.U.; Kurzweil, P.R.; Schwartzbach, C.C.; Wolfe, I.N.; Flatow, E.L.
Erschienen in:The American journal of sports medicine
Veröffentlicht:22 (1994), 5, S. 578-584, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0363-5465, 1552-3365
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Abstract des Autors

Sixty-eight shoulders in 63 athletic patients with anterior-inferior glenohumeral instability underwent an anterior-inferior capsular shift procedure. Shoulders with glenoid fractures, predominantly posterior instability, or routine, unidirectional anterior instability were not included in this study. There were 42 men and 21 women, with an average age of 23 years. Forty-two repairs were performed on the dominant arm. All 31 overhead throwing athletes had their dominant arms repaired. Forty-six shoulders had histories of recurrent subluxation. All 68 shoulders had an anterior-inferior capsular shift, tailored to the degree of laxity found; in addition, 21 had repair of a Bankart lesion. Forty-two patients were rated excellent (67%), 17 good (27%), 2 fair (3%), and 1 poor (3%). Fifty-eight of 63 (92%) patients returned to their major sports, 47 (75%) at the same competitive levels. Only 5 of 10 elite throwing athletes returned to their prior competitive levels. Loss of external rotation averaged 7%. Two patients (2.9%) redislocated postoperatively, after violent falls. Verf.-Referat