Aerobic exercise training and depressive symptomatology in adults with physical disabilities

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Ausdauertraining und depressive Symptomatologie bei koerperbehinderten Erwachsenen
Autor:Coyle, Catherine P.; Santiago, Mayra C.
Erschienen in:Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Veröffentlicht:76 (1995), 7, S. 647-652, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0003-9993, 1532-821X
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Abstract des Autors

Objective: To test the effects of aerobic exercise on fitness and psychological health of adults with physical disabilities. Design: Nonrandomized control trial with before-after testing. Setting: Predata and postdata were collected at a clinical research center. Exercise occurred at home or at a community center. Participants: A volunteer sample of 47 adults with a physical disability were pretested; 19 completed posttesting. Intervention: Participants volunteered for either the exercise (n=7) or control groups (n=12). Exercisers participated in 12 weeks of aerobic exercise at an mean intensity of 73% HRmax. Main Outcome Measures: Peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), depressive symptomalogy, mastery, and self-esteem. Results: Exercisers increased VO2peak by 23%, whereas controls decreased by 19%. Exercisers reported a 59% decrease in depressive symptoms; whereas controls reported a 6% increase. A correlation of -.48 (p>/=.05) was observed between delta scores in VO2peak and depressive symptoms. Significant differences between the exercise and control groups were found on the somatic and positive affect depressive subscales. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise improved aerobic fitness and decreased depressive symptoms in this sample. Reductions in depressive symptoms may result from physiological and/or behavioral mechanisms associated with aerobic exercise. Verf.-Referat