A strength training program for postmenopausal women: a pilot study

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Ein Krafttrainingsprogramm fuer Frauen in der Postmenopause: eine Pilotstudie
Autor:Heislein, Diane M.; Harris, Bette Ann; Jette, Alan M.
Erschienen in:Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
Veröffentlicht:75 (1994), 2, S. 198-204, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0003-9993, 1532-821X
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Abstract des Autors

This pilot study examined a specific exercise program designed for skeletal muscle strengthening in postmenopausal women. The program consisted of patterns of movement using diagonal and spiral patterns, superimposed on a progressive weight-bearing sequence from prone lying to standing. Progressive resistance was provided with the use of progressively thicker elastic straps. Eighteen of an initial 22 healthy volunteer women aged 50 to 64 years completed 8 weekly hour-long group exercise sessions supplemented with twice weekly sessions at home to pilot test the program's safety, acceptability, and effectiveness in changing muscle strength. A physical therapist conducted baseline and final quadriceps, hamstrings, and grip strength assessments using a portable isokinetic dynamometer. Participants achiewed a 21% increase in quadriceps, 9% increase in hamstrings, and a 14% increase in grip strength. A positive dose-response relationship was observed between strength gains and compliance with the program. This approach to strength training in postmenopausal women is feasible and effective in increasing muscle strength. It has considerable promise and deserves further testing and evaluation. Verf.-Referat