The 12-minute stationary cycle ergometer test: an efficacious VO2peak prediction test for the injured

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Der 12minuetige Test auf dem stationaeren Fahrradergometer: ein wirksamer Test zur Bestimmung der VO2max bei Verletzten
Autor:Vanderburgh, Paul M.
Erschienen in:Journal of sport rehabilitation
Veröffentlicht:2 (1993), 3, S. 189-195, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:1056-6716, 1543-3072
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Abstract des Autors

Previously there existed no efficacious maximal effort, VO2peak prediction test for subjects who, because of injury, can exercise at high intensity only on a device such as a cycle ergometer. This study's purpose was to develop and validate such a test, a 1-Minute Stationary Cycle Ergometer Test (12MSCET), for college-age physically active men and women. For 60 college-age men and women, and a gender-based resistance setting, the total work done on the 12MSCET and body weight were found to be highly predictive of VO2peak, measured via open circuit spirometry. Furthermore, the torques required for such a test are, for this sample, approximately 50% of those required in other predictive protocols. To date, the 12MSCET has been used for VO2peak assessment of over 300 military cadets who, because of injury, found cycling their only efficacious high-intensity aerobic modality. Verf.-Referat