Competitive orientations among athletes and nonathletes in Taiwan

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Wettkampforientierung bei Athleten und Nicht-Athleten in Taiwan
Autor:Kang, Lingjiin; Gill, Diane L.; Acevedo, Edmund O.; Deeter, Thomas E.
Erschienen in:International journal of sport psychology
Veröffentlicht:21 (1990), 2, S. 146-157, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
ISSN:0047-0767, 1147-0767
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The competitive orientations of 109 male and female athletes and nonathletes in Taiwan were investigated using two sport-specific measures, the Sport Orientation Questionnaire which assess competitiveness, win and gioal orientations, and the Sport Competition Anxiety Test which assess competitive trait anxiety. Internal consistency and confirmatory analyses indicated that the measures were reliable for the Taiwanese sample. A gender by athlete/nonathlete (2 x 2) MANOVA yielded gender and athlete/nonathlete main effects. Males scored higher than females on competitiveness, and athletes scored much higher than nonathletes on competitiveness and win orientation. An additional analysis, classifying the athletes as international competitors or university athletes in a Gender by International/University/Nonathlete (2 x 3) MANOVA, revealed that international athletes had the highest competitivness and win orientation scores, ffollowed by university athletes, and nonathletes had the lowest scores. Overall, gender differences were less evident than in studies with American students, but the pattern of scores for athletes and nonathletes were similar, suggesting comparable sport achievement orientations across the two cultures. Verf.-Referat