Spiroergometry on treadmill vs. cranking and kayak-specific loads in kayakers

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Deutscher übersetzter Titel:Spiroergometrie auf dem Laufband gegenueber Armbeugen und kajakspezifischen Belastungen bei Kajakfahrern
Autor:Apor, P.; Faludi, Judit; Mihalyfi, P.; Kozma, Agnes; Balasz, S.; Parti, J.
Erschienen in:Hungarian Review of Sports Medicine
Veröffentlicht:23 (1982), 4, S. 259-266, Lit.
Format: Literatur (SPOLIT)
Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Medienart: Gedruckte Ressource
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It was confirmed in spiroergometric vita maxima tests on 82 sportsmen that kayakists and swimmers can closer approach their aerobic capacity during cranking with arms than the runners. A group of kayakists (n=28) was tested in 3-4 steady state and in a vita maxima run on the treadmill and in 3-4 steady state cranking loads with a Jaeger Universal Ergometer. Another group (n=19) used a more specific isokinetic pulley-trainer for ergometry, besides runs. Sportsmen having higher aerobic capacities and higher anaerobic thresholds both in running and in the armshoulder work could attain the highest cranking performance. The aerobic efficiency did not explain the higher performance. There were only few significant correlations between the run- and armshoulder parameters. Respiratory quotient, base excess and specific ventilation were generally in connections. With the competitive performance rank only the Vo2 max. gave an r of 0.51, the other correlations were poorer. To the authors opinion, a sport-specific ergometry has no advantage in spiroergometric tests (in kayakers). Verf.-Referat